Sunday, November 9, 2014


     Amani Baby Cottage (meaning...a place of peace ) was established in 2003 and has been the home of 325 children.   It is a babies home that provides care for orphaned, abandoned  and needy children from newborn to 5 years old.  The goal and mission of Amani is to find permanent homes for all the children through reuniting with their families or adoption.   ABC is located in Jinja,  Uganda on Lake Victoria near the source of the Nile.

     If you want more information about ABC , go to their website to find information about sponsoring a child, donating, or volunteering.

     My day starts at almost exactly 6 15 each morning, as my open window is directly above the children's cottages....and they wake up LOUDLY!  This morning, I woke to 35 choruses of IM IN THE LORD'S ARMY.

     I then climb down from my bunk, make myself a cup of instant coffee (3 in 1s I bought in Hong Kong....), read some scripture, then spend 20 minutes doing this small spaced workout I found on the Internet to assure I don't turn into jello while here....and to keep me strong with these boys, and my back ok when they take flying leaps at me. (For enquiring  minds...... It is 10 situps, 10 lunges, 10 pushups, 10 squats, 1 minute plank....repeated 5 times)

     Then starting tomorrow I help in preschool,  then I choose some 1 on 1 time with kids (puzzles, books, wrestling. ...and anything really that gives them special attention.) Then it's group book reading, lunch, nap preperation.

     I have been then buzzing off to individual mamas homes while the kids are sleeping. (For about 2 hours)

     Back in time most days (unless the mama lived far away....or was particularly chatty), to take 1 or 2 children to the pool. (LOVE that time).

     Group storytime before 6 o'clock dinner, baths , diapers, pjs and in bed with Bible Story (THANKS Lynn Laird for the great children's bible). There is usually chaos in the bedroom,  moments before I threaten NO STORY if you aren't in bed!

     Returning, pretty brushed for a 60 year old lady, I make myself a quick dinner, knit or read, and climb back up to the bunk, and take 5 seconds to fall asleep.

     Ready to wake up to cherub songs again.

     I praise the Lord for this opportunity.

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