Saturday, October 19, 2013


     I was waiting to get an assortment of pictures of the food here before I shared with you about our meals here.  First off, I am so happy to report that no one here goes hungry. The children all eat 3 times a day plus snack and porridge. I am eating PLENTY as well.
     ABC provides the volunteers with all the pineapple, bananas, and eggs we can eat. Lunch is cooked by Mama Sarah (more on the mamas later) and dinner is on our own from food we purchase in town. The selection of food varies that Mama Sarah cooks is: sweet potatoes (although very different than what we call sweet potatoes), potatoes, rice, noodles, posho (a corn mush) plantains, casaba, green beans, cabbage, lentils, eggplant, Gnut sauce,fish or chicken once about every 10 days. Most of it is very tasty, but high in carbohydrate which doesn't always sit well with my weight, which I am trying very hard to not be concerned with. Twice a week a mama goes to the market for me to get: peppers, onions, tomatoes, greens, cucumbers, zucchini, broccoli, apples and oranges. I do something with those combinations for dinner, although sometimes I just make oatmeal.
        The children are adorable with their GRACE before meals.  They all recite, : hands together, eyes closed, thank you Jesus for our Mamas, thank you for our Aunties, thank you for our porridge.....and then a variety of thank yous that can be lengthy, depending on which child is leading the prayer  They have 2 different breakfasts that they alternate. One day it is hard boiled eggs, the next bread with P&J.  Mid morning they all drink Hot porridge, and I do mean hot. I don't know how they drink it so fast. They sit in a circle on the floor for these first 2 meals.
     Lunch is a bit different. The younger 10 in my cottage are fed first on the floor, no utensils, ( clothes off), feeding themselves. Sometimes it is a big mess. Afterwards they are cleaned up and then go sit on the potty chairs while the 6 big boys eat.
     They sit at a table with a bowl and a spoon, and are pretty neat about it.
     Afternoon snack is more porridge and usually a piece of fruit.
     Dinner is the same routine as lunch. GRACE is always said.
     They do not have the variety we have, mostly lentels, pnut sauce on rice or potatoes, posho and chicken. They eat every bit in their bowls.
     I am not in with the babies often, so although I know they get their bottles, I'm not sure what they eat.
     So that's the run down on food here.
      Amazing Grace.

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