Tuesday, October 1, 2013

First Day at ABC

So after spending a day getting over jet lag, I was able to begin here at ABC (Amani Baby Cottage). I am assigned for the most part to one of the boys cottages. I didn't even count, but I'm thinking there were about 15 little boys 2-6 years old. (in the room I worked) They are so independent. When you take off their diaper, they march it over to the hamper. After they sit on the potty chair for the required 15 minutes, they bend over to be washed off. When they take off their shoes, they to put it in the cubby hole. When you sit them on the floor to get their lunch, they don't say a peep until they get theirs placed in front of them. (today it was sweet potatoes, casaba with G-nut sauce. ) Of which I actually thought was pretty tasty.
But as one of two special times a week that I take a child on a special outing, today with  another volunteer we took 3 little boys to a local restaurant for a treat. One little boy has CP, so the stroller came in so handy.,and they are thrilled to have it here. It was nice to go for a walk. I hope to get out for a walk most days. 
My bed is a lofted bunk, kind of difficult getting in and out, but I enjoy the space that is allotted under it. So far no bugs, not too hot, and hot water. Can't really beat all that. Pineapple and avocado are delicious.
The kids are precious and obviously have been well cared for and been given lots of love. Currently there are 5 other volunteers here and we are called aunties, and the paid Ugandan women who do most of the hard work are called mamas.
I am overwhelmed with things to remember, and I can't remember a child's name yet to save my life, but I'm hoping to improve on that soon.
I'm not sure how to post multiple pictures so I may just randomly put them on.
I am currently the only older volunteer.:)

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