Tuesday, November 19, 2013


     Well, waking up at 4 am on my last day at Amani probably is an indication of the anxiousness in my heart at the thought of leaving. My head and heart are racing at the list if things I want to do today, the errands I have to do, the commissioned painting I have to pick up, the boys to snuggle with, the Mamas to embrace and the tears to be shed.
     But reflecting is a good thing, and makes my heart sing!
     I estimate I have walked about 200 miles since I have been here and my stained red dirt feet are a reminder.
     My teva sandals are ruined, and I lost my good glasses. Sigh........
     I will miss Mama Josephene cleaning and doing laundry for me, as well as miss Mama Cooks great cooking (except the posho)  I will need to go back to WW upon return. (and if you don't know what that is.....good for you!)
     I have been sooo healthy. One day a slightly drippy nose, and one day of a backache. But the Lord has given me so much strength and protection, I am grateful that not one day was wasted not feeling 100%. This morning I did wake up with some rash on my chin, that I am hoping is not some gunga gunga African thing, but rather maybe a stressed cold sore misplaced?
     I brought 7 dresses, (3 exactly the same b/w ones, and 3 the same blue/green. 1 orange that I have given to Mama Joyce) SO if when looking at pictures, it looks like I'm always wearing the same thing......I am.
     I have been to the pool about 25 times, mostly swim lessons with the boys, but a few snuck off by myself sonshine therapy times.
     Yesterday after our pool show extravaganza one of the hotel staff handed me a bible verse and told me it was for me from them. If you get a chance to look it up, it was Job 11:15-19. We as Christians are often watched, when we least expect it.

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