Friday, November 1, 2013


     That is what I call our Friday school day, where I try to do some educational stuff a bit more creatively. The children here have really NO concept of food variety or production. They have about 10 different foods that are placed in front of them, prepared and rotated breakfast, lunch and dinner. (mostly, rice, beans, corn mush, porridge, sweet potatoes, lentils and once a week chicken.) So today we walked to a farmers field to see corn growing, came back to draw some illustrations after looking on the internet, then popped corn. I don't know what popped more: the corn or their eyes watching it through a clear lid.
     I had an outing with Keith this afternoon. Rode a Boda Boda to town . ( he wasn't so sure about that), had ice cream...which at first he did not like and was kind of shocked by its coldness.  He had vanilla, I had a lime/pineapple smoothie. He did finish the bowl, however.:-) :-)
     Perfect ending, to a perfect week.

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